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Many people read and write English well, but find it difficult to understand native spoken English. The main reason for this is pronunciation - there is a big difference between the written words and the way they are spoken.

English@Oxford will help you to become more aware of English sounds and you will find that your listening improves and it all becomes clearer!

We have prepared some points to help you in the form of a downloaded document. Click on the button to request
your free copy!

Listening links

You can practise listening on the internet. There are many good websites to explore and some of them also have tapescripts so that you can check your understanding. Try listening once or twice without the text and then read and listen at the same time. Note how the words are pronounced.

  • e@o-Manager This is our e-learning programme and is a very useful tool for revising and practising your English. You can practice your listening (tapescripts included) and improve your pronuciation. Just go to our website and click on the e@o-Manager link.

Online video
  • TED talks – Recordings of presentations given by leaders in their field on almost any subject you can imagine (often with tapescript) eg Bill Gates on energy 'Innovating to Zero', Isabel Behnke on Bonobos

  • The Bottom Line (BBC Radio 4) Invited guests discuss business issues
  • Peter Day's World of Business (BBC Radio 4) Documentaries on business developments
  • CIPD podcasts (with tapescript) HR Issues from the Institute of Personnel Directors
  • ICIS energy podcasts News from the Energy sector

  • Tune-in Radio App gives you access to 1000s of radio stations and gives the option of recording a programme so that you can listen again Try BBC Radio 4 news at 7 and 8 am (UK time) for example.

who we are
30 Polstead Road
Oxford OX2 6TN
01865 292900
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what we do
Business English teaching and coaching for European clients